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Hannah Smyth fencingHannah Smyth fencing

World Cup Selection

9th November 2018

Hannah Smyth, a current Year 12 student, has been selected as one of only 9 fencers to represent Great Britain at ...

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Prestigious Arkwright Scholarship Awarded to Albert Borrell

5th November 2018

We are delighted to announce that Albert Borrell in Year 12 has been successful in gaining an Arkwright Scholars ...

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Exploring the tension between deeds & words

5th November 2018

A huge well done to the Y12 girls from Comberton Sixth Form who attended the Newnham College Millicent Fawcett ...

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BTEC Sport head to Barcelona

2nd November 2018

Over a weekend in October most of the year 13 BTEC Sport students went to Barcelona to learn more about the spor ...

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CSF winners of the Sixth Form University ChallengeCSF winners of the Sixth Form University Challenge

Winners of the Sixth Form University Challenge 2018

28th September 2018

We are delighted to report that the CSF team of Joe Cary, Maddie Shohet, Sarah Kilby and Imogen Lewis manged to ...

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Congratulations Class of 2018 on Achieving Fantastic Results

16th August 2018

Class of 2018 Results   Total grades at A* - A:   36%         ...

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