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Music Tuition and Extra Curricular Activities

29th June 2021

CVC Music School – Instrument Lessons and Music Clubs and Activities

Instrument Tuition at Sixth Form


The Music School offers all students of all musical abilities the opportunity to learn a musical instrument or enjoy extra-curricular activities.

Lessons are held during the normal school day. 6th Form students are timetabled in non-curricular time such as free study time, lunch and break.

Applications are welcome from students at any time in the school year. If an instrument is oversubscribed, you may be placed on a waiting list until a space is available.

Please click the ling to read the Information Booklet, carefully, before completing the Application Form. The take up of lessons is based on acceptance of the conditions under which lessons are offered.

Activities and Clubs

We are pleased to offer a wide range of activities.  All students may try out an activity before committing to it on a weekly basis. 

Full details of activities and clubs will be available in September.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to email

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