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Student Leadership

Leadership Opportunities at CSF

The Student Council is led by two elected Student Presidents who work with the other elected Council members. Although all members of the Sixth Form Council work collaboratively together the Vice Presidents hold individual responsibility for one of four areas of focus : Welfare, Equality & Diversity, Social Activities & Extra-Curricular, Academic Leadership and the Community & Environment.

Each subject area name two students to be their Subject Ambassadors for a year – these students help support and represent the subject areas at a number of key events and in a number of different ways such as the Sixth Form Open Evening, taster sessions and lunchtime support sessions.

Mental Health Mentors are a group of volunteers who work with all students from transition into the sixth form, year 12 and year 13 to ensure access to information and help with a range of mental health and wellbeing concerns.


"Hello" from our new Student Council

As our Year 13 students complete their final exams, we have recently completed the election process to appoint our new Student Council. 

Hi everyone,

Our names are Shaarah and Matthew and we are proud to say that we are going to be your Sixth Form Student Presidents during your time at Comberton Sixth Form. We are very excited to meet you all and hope that you will be joining us at our Welcome Event in July and of course your Induction Days in September!

One thing that we want you to remember is that we’re all in this together, and when we say ‘we’, we mean everyone at Comberton Sixth Form: students, teachers, and support staff.  Whilst at CSF it is the Council's role to represent our fellow students and make change where change is possible. Your voice is central to the progress of CSF and you will have many opportunities to offer your thoughts and opinions.

As well as representing you all, we are also here to be friendly faces around the sixth form and someone who you can contact to discuss various issues and concerns with. Fundamentally, we are here to make sure your time Comberton is as positive and fulfilling as possible.

One of the first priorities on our list is to help you all settle in and make friends. We will be looking into running various events, from social opportunities to fundraising activities, so please do look out for further details.
We look forward to introducing ourselves to you face to face soon.
Shaarah & Matthew