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Comberton Sixth Form is part of Comberton Village College and therefore shares the whole school polices.  There are also overarching policies relating to the whole Cam Trust

In addition to the whole school Positive Behaviour Policy sixth form specific actions are as follows:


A student will receive a verbal warning from their Academic Tutor, subject teacher, or Head of Department.  Notification that this has been given will be sent to your Academic Tutor to log.

If the poor behaviour or lack of effort persists, the Head of Department and Academic Tutor will liaise with a member of the Sixth Form Leadership Team, and parents will be contacted.  If necessary, a level 1 Contract of Study will be negotiated, consisting of a written warning and targets for improvement.  Parents will be sent a copy of the contract.

In the event of further poor behaviour or lack of effort, a meeting will be convened between the student, parent(s), a member of the Sixth Form Leadership Team and the Academic Tutor.  It may be appropriate to negotiate level 2 Contract of Study which sets out specific conditions for the student’s continuance in Sixth Form.

Contracts of Study will be reviewed regularly.

A single serious breach of behaviour expectations could result in a student being required to remain at home pending enquiries into the incident.  A return to college will be contingent upon a Readmission Interview.  It may be appropriate to invite parent(s) to attend this interview.

In the rare instance where a student repeatedly fails to meet the expectations outlined in the Sixth Code of Conduct this could, in the final instance, result in a student having their place at Comberton Sixth Form withdrawn.  In this case, a student would have the right of appeal.


Attendance Protocol

Reporting Absence

Students are expected to attend all timetabled lessons, including Enrichment, Tutor periods and Assemblies.

Significant mitigating factors apart, we expect a minimum attendance rate of 95%.

  • Students should seek to make all medical and dental appointments outside lesson time; this is one reason for engineering a college day that ends by 3pm.
  • Students should not make appointments for such things as driving lessons and hair appointments during the college day.
  • Students should remember that all Universities and employers may ask for attendance rates in references we supply.
  • Holidays should not be taken during term time and will not be authorised. Protocol

If students are unexpectedly and unavoidably absent please contact Carli Callander, Sixth Form Attendance Officer, on the day of absence, either by email to  or by telephone on 01223 265470

Students must also contact their subject teachers to ask for any work missed.

If students arrive late for lessons or need to leave college early they must sign in or with Mrs Callander in the Sixth Form admin office.

If, for an unavoidable reason (perhaps on religious grounds or for a hospital appointment), a student knows they will be absent in advance of the time they must inform Carli Callander and their subject teachers prior to the absence.


Monitoring Absence


Parents are kept informed of their childs attendance through the use of a My Child at School app. This is a live view of attendance. Any unexplained absences will be questioned with a weekly report that is sent to parents. It details the date and time of any missed lessons.


Academic Tutors and the Leadership Team

On a weekly basis the Leadership team discuss students’ attendance and highlight anyone of concern. These concerns will then be followed up by the Sixth Form Attendance Officer, Academic Tutor and/or the relevant Deputy Head either with a verbal warning or a contract of study for attendance.  This could also be pastoral and wellbeing support from Sarah Thomas.