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BTEC Business

This information aims to allow you to explore each of the subjects we offer here at CSF. Please use the menu on the left hand side of this page to navigate through the A-Level, BTEC and additional study courses available.

On this subject page you will find links/downloads which support admissions along with curriculum information for our current students.  

  • A curriculum overview document for each subject which details the sequence of teaching and learning, along with the development of key skills
  • An independent learning guide, to support students in each subject with the demands of homework, revision, and their independent learning.
  • Each subject also has links to our ‘Super-curricular’ initiative, which aims to develop you wider understanding of academic subjects and support your learning – click here for more information.


BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Business

Pearson Edexcel

Subject Leader

Mr P Herbert

Entry Requirements:

Minimum Entry Requirements: 

5 x 4s *

At least a 4 in English and Maths 

Subject Specific Entry Requirements:

Minimum of a 4 in Business if taken at GCSE

A Pass at BTEC Business  at Level 2 if taken

* Please note that Level 2 vocational courses are the equivalent of 1 GCSE and only 2 will be counted towards the entry requirements

Why study BTEC Business?

BTEC National Level 3 in Business is one of the few qualifications that will help you succeed in your future career no matter what you go on to do. The principles of business that you will learn here underpin every organisation from marketing to interpersonal and presentation skills. You’ll have the opportunity to gain specific knowledge, understanding and skills that are relevant to your chosen subject or area of work.

What can I do with BTEC Business after Sixth Form? 

A BTEC National in Business will provide you with a broad-based business education which would be a suitable introduction for both higher education courses and entry into a specialised business career. The successful completion of 7 or 13 units is equivalent to 2 or 3 GCE A-levels, so this can lead on to university degree courses in business.

BTEC Business Extras

The course will engage with local and national business organisations and experienced business people will attend the college to speak to and work with the students. There will also be opportunities to visit and investigate business organisations.