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Extended Research Project (EPQ)


Level 3 Extended Research Project (EPQ)


Subject Leader

Mrs L Peacey

Why take the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)?

For many students, the EPQ represents a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate passion for a chosen subject or topic, alongside development of advanced learning skills. 

The EPQ is characterised by independent learning, comprising a single piece of work which shows evidence of planning, preparation, research and autonomous working.  It was developed with the intention of strengthening the programme of study for 16-19 year olds by testing a wider range of skills and providing a ‘tool kit’ of transferable skills that better prepares students for higher education and employment.

What can I do with an EPQ after Sixth Form?

Completing the EPQ helps students to develop and evidence a wealth of valuable skills including independent research, project planning, critical analysis, evaluation and presentation skills, all of which are highly valued by universities and employers.  Students have used an EPQ to strengthen an application to a competitive university course, by using it an as mechanism of demonstrating their genuine interest in a particular subject area or career.

Some higher education institutions will reduce the wider entry requirements for students who attain a high grade in their EPQ.

EPQ Extras 

The EPQ gives students complete flexibility to research an area of their own interest and there is near limitless scope in terms of the opportunities this might offer. For example students have organised specific work experience, planned and conducted trips, interviewed experts, devised and administered questionnaires and learnt to use particular software in the process of conducting their EPQs.