This information aims to allow you to explore each of the subjects we offer here at CSF. Please use the menu on the left hand side of this page to navigate through the A-Level, BTEC and additional study courses available.
On this subject page you will find links/downloads which support admissions along with curriculum information for our current students.
Advanced Level Physics (A)
Mrs S Winter
Minimum Entry Requirements:
5 x 5s
4 in English and Maths
Subject Specific Entry Requirements:
6 in GCSE Physics if doing single sciences
Or 6,7 in GCSE Double Science
6 in GCSE Maths
Do you enjoy learning about modern and interesting applications of physics alongside more traditional concepts? Do you enjoy developing your practical, investigative and research skills? If so, then Physics is for you. The Physics course develops knowledge and understanding of physics and an appreciation of the link between theory and experiment. You will learn how physics has developed and is used in present day society and appreciate physics as a human endeavour which has historical, social, philosophical, economic and technological connections. Importantly, you will sustain and develop your enjoyment of, and interest in, physics.
Physics A-Level is an excellent preparation for a broad range of higher education study. Many students follow this course with a physics related degree. The course also has clear links with a range of other subjects which are popular degree courses such as mathematics, medicine, computing, engineering (electronics, mechanical) and architecture. Other students find the skills and knowledge gained from the A-level physics course useful when pursuing degree courses or careers in other areas including business, finance and management.
Physics offers a range of opportunities both locally (Cambridge University) and further afield (CERN, Geneva). Links with the Institute of Physics and Cambridge University will enable students to attend twilight lectures given by leading physicists and to visit laboratories such as the Cavendish and the Engineering department. Our yearly trip to CERN allows students to see cutting edge research and applications of physics in the real world.