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A-Level Philosophy - New for 2024

This information aims to allow you to explore each of the subjects we offer here at CSF. Please use the menu on the left hand side of this page to navigate through the A-Level, BTEC and additional study courses available.

On this subject page you will find links/downloads which support admissions along with curriculum information for our current students.  

  • A curriculum overview document for each subject which details the sequence of teaching and learning, along with the development of key skills
  • An independent learning guide, to support students in each subject with the demands of homework, revision, and their independent learning.
  • Each subject also has links to our ‘Super-curricular’ initiative, which aims to develop you wider understanding of academic subjects and support your learning – click here for more information.



Advanced Level Philosophy


Subject Leader

Mrs H Powell

Entry Requirements:

Minimum Entry Requirements: 

5 x 5s

4 in English and Maths 

Subject Specific Entry Requirements:

6 in English Language or English Literature GCSE


Why study Philosophy? 

Philosophy is one of the oldest academic disciplines, which deals with concepts at the very heart of human existence. Philosophy is literally defined as ‘love of knowledge’ and it is perfect for people who want both to question fundamental ideas and to build their own body of knowledge.You will be introduced to some of the greatest ideas from history and given the chance to analyse them, looking to see whether they still stand up to scrutiny in a modern context.

Students who want to question, discuss, know, and challenge are well suited to the study of philosophy. The course involves the establishment of a body of key knowledge and understanding, as well as the development of important skills such as critical analysis and evaluation of a variety of scholarly views. Study will involve reading large passages of academic writing and essay-writing, so time will be spent improving students’ essay-writing techniques.

What can I do with Philosophy after A-Level?

Philosophy students engage in the analysis of complex ideas, establish sound critical thinking techniques, and develop the ability to build sound and coherent arguments. As such, the subject is highly regarded by universities and employers.

Studying philosophy leads on to higher study in a range of subjects including, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Sociology, History, Theology, Law, Politics and Medicine, among others. Students find the knowledge and critical reasoning gained useful in a wealth of different careers such as in the legal system, civil service, medicine, human resources, technological industries, and journalism.

Philosophy Extras

Philosophy will include the opportunity for students to access lectures from institutions such as the Royal Institute of Philosophy, Cambridge Union, and more. These will provide students with a chance to further their understanding of key ideas. These, as well as additional reading and other extension opportunities, will be publicised regularly by the department.