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A-Level English Language

This information aims to allow you to explore each of the subjects we offer here at CSF. Please use the menu on the left hand side of this page to navigate through the A-Level, BTEC and additional study courses available.

On this subject page you will find links/downloads which support admissions along with curriculum information for our current students.  

  • A curriculum overview document for each subject which details the sequence of teaching and learning, along with the development of key skills
  • An independent learning guide, to support students in each subject with the demands of homework, revision, and their independent learning.
  • Each subject also has links to our ‘Super-curricular’ initiative, which aims to develop you wider understanding of academic subjects and support your learning – click here for more information.


Advanced Level English Language


Subject Leader

Mrs E Norman

Entry Requirements:

Minimum Entry Requirements: 

5 x 5s

4 in English and Maths 

Subject Specific Entry Requirements:

6 in GCSE English Language or Literature

Why study English Language? 

Do you enjoy being at the cutting edge of a subject? Do you ever wonder why it is that accent and dialogue really do matter? Do you have a flair for creative writing? If so, then English Language is the course for you.

English Language is a vital part of our individual lives, the behaviour of social groups and the structure of our whole society. We are continually talking and texting, listening to friends and employers, reading websites, telling stories and giving advice - this is what makes the study of English Language so topical and so relevant. 

What can I do with English Language after A-Level?

A variety of occupations will be open to you, including publishing, journalism, media, law and teaching. In addition, the great variety of skills acquired are highly regarded by both employers and universities and are also valuable in their own right. Apart from supporting other subject areas, English Language offers an ideal preparation for a university degree in English or a related subject. 

English Language Extras

You will have the opportunity to listen to a range of presentations from professionals in the field of publishing and journalism. Students will also have the chance to visit local news providers and see journalism at work. We will also make use of relevant exhibitions and opportunities as they arise.