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Subject Preparation Information & Transition Work for Offer Holders - September 2024

At Comberton Sixth Form, individual subject areas set a variety of tasks and further reading in order to support the transition from KS4 to the academic rigor of A-Level & BTEC Level 3 Study.


Year 11 students who are holding offers for study at CSF in September should complete the transition work for each of the subjects they have chosen. This work will help you develop your understanding of the course you have chosen, while developing key skills and promoting independent learning. Departments will expect to see this work in September, with each subject information sheet providing the exact expectations.


Below you will find links to our tranisiton information Padlets for all of our A-Level and BTEC courses.


We look forward to seeing you in September and wish you the best of luck for result day in August.







Business & Economics



English & Film








Physical Education & Sport


Science & Maths